Who do we thank for Red-hot Lovers?

Firstly, we need to define Red-hot Love: Romance that’s full of passion, drama, intensity and lovesickness. We need to thank the courtly lovers of the Middle Ages for Red-hot Love: Without them we might not have drama kings and queens, princes and princesses and a lot of the high maintenance lovers of the world. We may have missed out entirely on the knight in shining armor rescuing the poor fellow or the damsel in distress with his/her love. We could be lacking the exquisitely sensitive, heartbreakingly appealing gentle lover who stumbles and falls in matters of love. It’s possible that we wouldn’t have developed the ever popular game of playing hard to get. And where would we be if they hadn’t developed lovesickness into a prescribed ritual? Arguably, we may not even have Ashley Madison if it wasn’t for the courtly lovers. For all of their Courts of Love, Laws…

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